Sand Washing Plant Conveyor for Conveying Artificial Sand, River Sand, and Sea Sand

Applications:conveying artificial sand, river sand, and sea sand in sand washing plant
Equipment Selection:in-plant belt conveyor, mobile conveyors, stacking conveyors
System Service:We provide conveyor belt system designing, manufacturing services, and installation guide.

What is sand washing plant?
A sand washing plant often mainly consists of sand washing machine, belt conveyor, sand screening machine, stockpiling conveyor, etc. It is mainly used to clean up muck and impurities to improve the grade of sand and gravel. SKE can supply you conveyor belt system machine for sand washing plant.
What conveyors equipment is included?
In this piece of article, we just talk about sand washing plant conveyor machine. We can divide them into two part according to its application.
Conveyor Applications:
Part 1: Working as link conveyor machine to connect different such as sand washing machine, vibrating feeder, vibrating screen, stacking machine;
Part 2: Working as stockpiling conveyor to transfer sand into sand stockyard(often in open pit) and silo bins;
Conveyor Equipment:
DTII and DTII(A) Model Conveyors
Stacking Conveyor(stockpiling conveyor)
Portable Conveyors
The reliable conveyor system supplier!
SKE is a professional bulk material handling system machine designer and manufacturer in China. We can help our customer design sand washing plant conveyor system according to our customers’ detail requirements.
If you need set up a artificial sand, river sand, or sea sand washing plant, you can contact us and get a reasonable plan from us.